Enrollment & Attendance:

All students will be checked in and accounted for in our Practice Attendance log. Parents will notify Let’s Get Moovin! if your child will not be at Practice email, phone or text. If child does not show up for practice, a phone call from LGM will be made to the parent.

Picture Authorization:

I consent to allow Let’s Get Moovin! to use photographs or video of my child in Let’s Get Moovin! activities, and I waive the right for compensation.

Before Practice:

If you are dropping off your child then you must walk your child from the parking lot and connect with the Coach so that your child may be signed in to practice. If your child is in school, then the Coach needs to pick up your child from a classroom, so please provide a Room Number via text before the first practice. Coach Ed Garcia’s cell number is 916-541-1874.

After Practice:

Let’s Get Moovin! Coaches will only release children to authorized individuals identified on their Registration Form. If you are picking up your child then you must come to the school, show your identification (until we get to know who you are) and sign your child out. If someone else is picking them up they must be on the Authorization to Leave Care list or your child cannot be picked up by them. If your child is going to 4th R / BASE we will walk them there after practice. If your child is walking home on their own the they will need to sign themselves out on the Practice Attendance Log.

Payments, Fees & Late Payment Penalty:

There are two options for payments for each session:

  • Option #1 – Payment in full for each session is due prior to the first day of practice of each session.
  • Option #2 – Payment Plan of specific number of payments for a specific amount on specific dates.

Payment can be made online through the LGM website through PayPal, check, cashier’s check or cash (please use cash only when necessary).

If payment has not been received by the 2nd practice the child will be dis-enrolled. All fees must be paid in full to be re-enrolled in the program and the child will be placed on a waiting list until an opening arises. A $25 fee will be assessed for any checks returned by the bank.

Late Pickup Penalty:

If a child is not picked up by 10 minutes after practice ends then there will be a $1 per minute charge payable at the time of pick-up. A late fee of $10 will be added if the late pick-up fee is not paid.

Dress Code:

All participants will wear comfortable clothing that is appropriate for sports activities. Clothing such as athletic shorts or sweatpants, undershirts or tank tops must be worn. Shoes such as Tennis shoes or Sport Specific shoes – cleats must be worn. Skirts, dresses, sandals, or flip flops are not permitted.


If child is sick, then they do not belong at practice. Please call LGM to notify if child is sick.

Medical Treatment:

If a life threatening medical emergency arises, the LGM Coach will call 911 and then call the parent. Any and all medical/dental decisions and costs, are the responsibility of the parent / legal guardian.

If minor injuries occur and require first aid, the LGM Coaches will respond accordingly and the parent will be contacted.


Each participant will be encouraged to play the sport of the specific session enrolled. Sportsmanship is an expectation and we all cooperate together. There may be circumstances where a child demonstrates negative behavior. Some or all of the following steps will be taken in those circumstances:

  • An incident report will be written up to document the issue.
  • A phone call will be made to the parent of the child to discuss the problem.
  • A 1 day suspension if the child’s behavior endangers another child of staff member.

A conference with the Program Director and the parents, if the behavior continues.

If appropriate behavior changes do not occur, then the child will be disenrolled from the current session and no refund will be granted. For future participation in LGM Program, the parents and child will need to have a conversation with Ed Garcia to determine if appropriate and acceptable.

*Parents will conduct themselves in a respectful and mature manner at all times.


If a refund is requested prior to the start of the session then a refund will be granted, minus the administrative fee.

If a refund is requested once the session has begun. then the refund will be subjected to the administration fee and amount of time will be considered in determining whether or not a refund is granted.

All refund requests must be mailed to Ed Garcia and state a legitimate reason for the request. Refunds are not guaranteed and must have Director approval. Full refunds will not be granted.